

European mobility week (September 16th ? 22nd)

European mobility week (September 16th ? 22nd)

16.09.2003 00:00:00

The news from the Environmental Ministry:
A Green cell phone number is introduced: 048 1222. People can get in touch in case of any kind of ecological contamination that calls for emergent intervention of the specialised environmental authorities.
Moreover, the so-far familiar Green phone number ? 988 82 05, continues to work and collect signals, opinions and references for anything regarding the environmental condition in Bulgaria.
In 2002, the European Mobility Week managed to establish itself as a proper European initiative, with 320 cities from 21 countries participating in it. Following that success, in September 2003, a second edition will be organized. In the period September 16th ? 22nd the European citizens will have a new chance to participate in a whole week of events dedicated to the steady mobility. Each day of the week local authorities, alongside with local organizations and associations, will organize a large number of events connected to various aspects of the mobility in the city conditions. NPO and business representatives will have a chance to participate by means of its local branches into mutual projects with the local authorities, so that the steady mobility could turn into a constant issue of concern.The most important event in that week will be the so-called ?Day with no cars?, scheduled for September 22nd, ad the greatest challenge will be organizing the campaign ?In the city without my car? in a working day. The main topic of the European Mobility Week 2003 will be ?Accessibility?. The aim is to create a city with a pleasant atmosphere and a steady mobility for everyone, thus satisfying the specific needs of the various social groups. By means of that basic topic, the European Mobility Week wants to give credit to the European Year of the Disabled People.
The Environmental Ministry organizes a ?Mobility Week?, September 16th-22nd, and a ?Day with no Cars?, September 22nd, under the auspices of the European Committee. The chief goal of the campaign is to encourage a larger interest and responsibility on the behalf of the society towards improvement of the mobility in the cities within the context of preserving the environment.

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