

Locomotive Plovdiv at the semi-finals for the Cup of Bulgaria

Locomotive Plovdiv at the semi-finals for the Cup of Bulgaria

21.12.2003 00:00:00

The Locomotive Plovdiv football team eliminated the last year?s cup winner Levski from the football championship by scoring 3:0 in a match played on the ?Lauta? Stadium in Plovdiv on December 18th (the first match played on the ?Gerena? Stadium in Sofia finished 1:1). The goals for the leader were scored by Mihaylov (22 min.), Kambourov (45 min.) and Milovanovich (90 min. ) The referee Dimiter Kostov showed 10 yellow and one red cards. The hosting team decided the outcome of the match before the break, scoring 2:0. In the 22 min. Paskov passed to Mihaylov, and the former CSKA-junior player scored by a dreadful shot. Just a second before the break, Martin Kambourov scored 2:0 by shooting from a 12-meter distance. The third goal was scored in the 90th minute. The former Levski player, Neshko Milotinovitch, escaped from the Levski defence, cheated Ivankov, and did not miss the empty goal.

 ?I hate going back to what happened? We would just like to forget about that match today. I wished a very merry Christmas to all the players and to have some really good rest?? was the reaction of the Levski coach, Georgi Vassilev.

We would like to wish the best of luck to the Plovdiv football players in all their forthcoming matches!

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