Traditions & NameDays

David, Yosif (BG for Joseph), nameday - December 26

Name day of David and Yosif (BG for Joseph).

Saint Joseph's Day is marked in some branches of Christianity in honor of Saint Joseph, spouse of Mary and foster-father of Jesus.

  • It is a feast day in Roman Catholicism, falling on 19 March.
  • In the Orthodox Church, the Feast of Saint Joseph falls on the day after Christmas.

Relatively little is known about the life of St. Joseph except for what is written in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The genealogy of both Gospels place him in the line of David. Though St. Joseph was descended from royalty, it was not a title to rank or riches. Everything known about Joseph suggests he was poor, for example, the offering of only two turtle doves at the Temple.

Joseph's family belonged to Bethlehem of Judea, but he had moved to Nazareth in Galilee to take up the occupation of a builder. There is no reason to suggest he was older than a normal age of 20-24 when he wed Mary, who would have been 15-20. Matthew mentions the annunciation to Joseph of Mary's conception, the visit of the Magi, the flight to Egypt and the return to Nazareth. Luke fills in the details of the birth of Christ, the Presentation and the temporary loss of Jesus in Jerusalem at the age of twelve. After that, Joseph disappears from the pages of the Gospel. Since he is not mentioned during the ministry of Jesus or at the Passion, it is assumed that he had already died by that point.

Other stories surround the life of Joseph, but most are believed to have been invented to satisfy popular curiosity. Some of these stories include a first marriage where Joseph was widowed, his great age (111 years) and his protracted death where he receives comfort from Mary and Jesus. The Gospels are really the only reliable source of information on Joseph's life and though they are brief, they give a good outline of his character.

St. Joseph was a faithful, patient man, obedient to the demands of God and willingly accepting of hardships. Matthew calls him "a just man", illustrated by his loyalty in protecting and providing for his family.

In 1870, Pope Pius IX proclaimed Joseph as the Patron of the universal Church, honoring his role of support, protection and guidance and named March 19 as "the [heavenly] birthday of St Joseph". Pius XII added a second feast of Joseph the Worker, which is celebrated May 1st, the traditional Labor Day.


Information has been taken from and

More info on St Joseph – here

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SYNAXIS OF THE HOLY THEOTOKOS - also celebrated Dec 26

This Synaxis - which is to say, our coming together to glorify the Theotokos - is celebrated especially in the honour of the Holy Mother, because she gave birth supernaturally to the Son Of God, and thus became the instrument of the salvation of mankind.