

A paintings exhibition by a poet

A paintings exhibition by a poet

17.10.2003 00:00:00

Boris Rokanov was born in 1961 in the town of Kyustendil, in the western part of Bulgaria. He is author of several books of poetry: ?Presentiments? (1989), ?My Game? (1993), ?From B to R? (1995), ?Poems? (1999). His poetry was published in Italy, Germany, Hungary, France, Serbia. He participated in the anthology book published in English, ?Poets of Freedom?, edited by Vladimir Levchev. Boris Rokanov was editor and organizer of poetry forums. In 1990 he got the ?South Spring? Award, and in 2000 ? the ?Ivan Nikolov? National Award for poetry. He lives in Plovdiv. He is married, with three kids ? a girl and two boys.

 This poet has recently become famous by acting as an artist as well. In the building of the Saxonia-Anhalt Meeting Centre, in the Old Town of Plovdiv, an exhibition of his paintings opened yesterday (October 16th). The exhibition was officially opened by the Centre Director, Dr. Mariana Cholakova. The paintings exhibition by Rokanov has the pretentious title ?The European Art?, and exhibits 26 new paintings.

 Rokanov has already had four individual exhibitions of his works in Plovdiv and Sofia. His first one took place in the Balabanov House in the Old Town, in the end of 2001. All his paintings were immediately bought. His latest exhibition at the Saxonia-Anhalt Centre will be closed on October 30th.

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