

Exhibition of documents at the Ivan Vazov National Library

Exhibition of documents at the Ivan Vazov National Library

13.11.2003 00:00:00

Today, November 13th, 2003, at 11 am, a photo-exhibition of documents opened in the Ivan Vazov National Library lobby. The exhibition will close November 28th. It is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the USA, starting September 19th, 1903, when John B. Jackson handed his accreditation letters as the first diplomatic ambassador of the US to Bulgaria to Knjaz Ferdinand.

The photographs follow in details the development of the diplomatic relationship between the two countries. The exhibition is organised under the guardianship of his Excellency, the US Ambassador James W. Pardew (who personally attended the opening of the exhibition), and with the support of the US Embassy, the Bulgarian Archive Register Head Office, the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bulgarian Parliament, The US National Archive, The Hoover Institute USA, and personally owned archive materials.

?Great patriots? Even the poorest Bulgarian is very much attached to his homeland? For the Bulgarians, the patriotism means an ardent belief, passionate confidence in the nation?s independence and success?Having in mind that, the whole Bulgarian nation transforms into an army, a fearsome army??  - those words belong to Theodore Roosevelt, US President, 1912.

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