

Just an attempt to save the real beauty of Plovdiv

Just an attempt to save the real beauty of Plovdiv

4.7.2003 г. 0:00:00

Plovdiv ? the city that has managed to preserve the very dawn of the human civilization. You could sense that any time when you touch the stones used to built the glorious ancient theatre of Philippopolis ? our greatest achievement of the ancient monuments restoration.

The thoughts we would like to share were provoked by the first night of the annual cinema panorama called ?Philippopolis Cinema Nights?. This year the panorama, always held at the ancient theatre, was opened by the Bulgarian film ?One Calorie of Tenderness?, directed by Ivanka Grabcheva. We were provoked by the theme of the movie ? the awful necessity of getting some tenderness and valuable relationships in that hectic civilized world we are living in? We were provoked by the beautiful atmosphere of the magnificent ancient theatre where we saw this film?

There are many kinds of beauty? But we respect the ?tender? beauty of everything that was built and preserved more than 1200 years ago. We feel obliged to tenderly cherish that kind of beauty?A provocation of feelings and senses..

Alongside with such a film, watched in such an atmosphere, we just could not ignore the ugly co-existence of advertising posters pinned up on the very stones of the Ancient theatre. No matter their artistic value. We believe there are many other ways to advertise? Many other places specifically designed for advertisements, build-boards or banners? 

But we feel that the eternal beauty of those stone columns could be by themselves the best possible advertisement for Plovdiv and its beauty ? which we definitely have to preserve for the next generations? Preserving something valuable gives a great feeling, a lesson in tenderness and respect, which can pass to those coming after us and teach them a thing from us?


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