

An opportunity for the TEREM Military Aircraft Repair Works in Plovdiv

An opportunity for the TEREM Military Aircraft Repair Works in Plovdiv

30.10.2003 00:00:00

Based on an article in the Maritsa newspaper

 The military attaches of 16 countries, ten of which NATO members, visited the Plovdiv branch of the TEREM Military Aircraft Repair Works yesterday, October 29th.
 During the presentation, the TEREM Director, Mr. Yordan Kishishev, had to admit that the last year was one of the hardest ever for the Military Works and they worked only by 10% of the whole capacities. The sanitary minimum is 20%. During some of their best years, the year turnover reached 50-60 million dollars a year. After the repair of the first six MiG-29 aircrafts, the TEREM Military Aircraft Repair Works prepares for the repair and the modernization of the Mi-17 and Mi-24 helicopters. ?We would like to bring back to life our defence industry. After such visits there are always chances for real orders?, said Mr. Zdravko Zafirov, ex Deputy Defence Minister, pointing out that there have been similar visits in other military repair plants but never in that huge scale?

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